Everyone dreams of a love story, a perfect one that too. So did she and found it too. Well, but then Universe does have a strange sense of irony. He wasn't the type that went after the girls. No, it wasn't that he didn't like the chase, he was just plain shy. And she was just so friendly that it didn't seem right. While she thought he was way too perfect and sweet for her.
For a long time they kept ignoring the obvious, but Cupid isn’t the kind that can be ignored. Nah, he takes his business way too seriously. Once the arrows are struck, they leave a mark forever.By the time they realized the game of the Cupid and admitted the feelings, the Universe had to play the bad guy, and send her back to her land.
Happy ending are not for everyone. But who wants happy ending anyway? What is lost is what is remembered the most. The stolen kiss definitely is memorable, and has given her hope for many a passionate kisses that could have been shared. As always the imagined joys are sweeter than the reality.
P.s This post is written as a birthday gift to one of my dear student, Mirla. Happy Bday Mirla :)
very cool.
Let me also suggest you some thing that I think would be good for your writing. Mostly people write from experiences that they can relate to. When you can relate to the thought process of a child or an old person, your horizons become wider. Great writers are able to empathize with people from all walks of life and sometimes even with animals. Don't know if I am making sense here. When we can feel their feelings, experience their experiences, our imaginations also will get nurtured.
Telling all this because I think you can write beautiful stuff "at your will" which is amazing!
Thank you so much...I liked it....
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