July 19, 2010

Story VII- Final piece

Every relationship she had been in, she thought it would last. Hoped and prayed. Now that He was willing to offer it, she turned it down and ran away before she felt weak. Was she afraid of "forever and ever afters"? All her life, she has been wanting to settle down, with that one someone who she could share her her everyday secrets, laugh and even cry and be herself. Now that she was here, in Kerala on a vacation alone for the first time, she didn't feel alone. Even in her apartment in Banjara, she lived alone, yet going to an empty always reminded her of her loneliness, that loneliness now felt like freedom.

Nikki looked around the restaurant and saw couples, families, friends and for the first time, she was not envious. She smiled. A real smile, as she drank her coffee. She had been searching for a missing piece to complete herself, not realizing she was born a complete picture, true to itself.


nands said...

That was a very sudden end of the story!

"She had been searching for a missing piece to complete herself, not realizing she was born a complete picture, true to itself."
That was so true and profound. I liked that. :)

looking within said...

Aha finally Kerala did the trick, she came back to senses:-D

U can go through your story from beginning and see if it's a flow and what U can improve.
I guess when you start writing, having a bigger plot in mind is also good, rather than leaving it for the whims of the characters.
But second way is also good when it start flowing.

Take care, tom, leaving for silence..