June 15, 2010

Things to know before you fall in love!

Before you fall in love,

make sure you brace yourself

with a helmet and a guard,

a pair of boxing gloves,
and good pair of shoes

(for a quick getaway)
Few bottles of Gatorade;
is sure to do you some good.

These sure can be of some help
to save you from disasters unknown
But who is to save you
calamities of your heart?
Your mind and soul trapped
in the eyes of someone,
in the smile of someone,

within the heart of someone!


looking within said...

with a Master U rise in love, not fall:-D

nands said...

I don't think there exists any safety measures that works! :)

Vishal Raj said...

Lovely post. But every one knows there's no cure for aching heart. Only time can heal it.

Vishal Raj said...

Lovely post. But every one knows there's no cure for aching heart. Only time can heal it.