7) TRAVEL!!! i wanna see the world.. go to Ireland, Greece, Rome, Africa, Taiwan.everywhere..
6) I want to get published
5) I would LOVE to paint my room, decide the colours,..may be have a story sketched on the walls..
4) SALSA and contemporary.. I would so wanna learn these dances. and better the belly dancing :) Contemporary coz its new and the chances to express yourself is lot more.. I and love the lifts.. and salsa coz I love the idea of dancing with someone, being in sync with the other person. U learn about knowing the moves without talking and belly dancing is sexy and meditative :)
3) I would want to learn cooking someday ( yeah.. that want is there. I imagine that magically I ll turn into this amazing cook who can make yummy cookies and bake cakes.. Right now, I am not ready to devote time for it.
2) THEATRE!!! I would love to act in a play! A musical perhaps that involves dancing and acting both..maybe direct one too.
1) I would want to go rock climbing, bungee jumping, river rafting, scuba dving.. I would wanna do all that before I die..
This was fun :) I haven't mentioned enlightenment coz I believe Guruji is already taking care of it. Its his job now :) and I am surprised I haven't mentioned marriage in this list!. ( may be I am not as desperate as I thought I was)
May all your dreams come true :-)
majority of your wants has something to do with expressing yourself. I thought belly dancing is vulgar, and couldn't find any art in it.
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